In Memory Of

Donate Today and Become a Boss
Daydreamer: $25 – You dream of changing the world one good deed at a time. Here’s your chance! You are entered into a monthly drawing to win an exclusive Boss BeCause experience! Your $25+ donation goes towards empowering the next deserving Boss and supporting the Boss BeCause mission!
Comic Book Fan Club
Comic book fan club: $100 – Helps keep our deserving Bosses supercharged. You receive an exclusive Boss BeCause Fan Club sticker as a thank you gift! Along with your 1-year Fan Club membership, you receive early access to our exclusive perks, events, and merchandise. Your $100+ donation goes towards empowering the next deserving Boss and supporting the Boss BeCause mission!
Task Force
Side Kick
Side Kick: $1,500 – $2499 – Includes all the benefits of the first three levels plus helps to continue to power up our foundation! You receive an exclusive Boss BeCause collector’s NFT as a thank you gift for display on your social media or website! NFTs are updated each year so be sure to donate regularly to collect the full set. Your name or business logo and website gets listed on our super exclusive Sidekicks page for 1 year. You get invited to our annual Sidekicks dinner with our Bosses. Your role is to act as an ongoing mentor, supporter, and cheerleader for our Bosses to help them launch their mission and fly high! Your $1,500+ donation sets the stage for your active involvement with Boss BeCause!
SuperHero: $2,500 – Includes all of the benefits of the first four levels plus Funds 1 Boss BeCause, and powers up our foundation so we can keep running our mission! To thank you for your generosity, you receive a framed donation certificate featuring a personalized comic book super hero sketch with your name or company logo and the name of your Boss and their foundation. You are invited to participate in media coverage and events with your Boss. Your Boss delivers a handwritten thank you note. Your name or business logo and website gets listed on our homepage as a Super Hero for 1 year. You receive exclusive Super Hero sponsorship perks, swag, and more! Your $2500+ donation says it all! Way to go Super Hero!